Renewables calculator
Estimate your costs and learn about the environmental impact of your renewable power choices.* By inputting your monthly electricity use from your utility bill, you can calculate the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) you could reduce through participation in the Green Power program as a residential customer.

Estimated bill impact:
This is more than what you pay today.

Electric usage covered by renewable purchase

Carbon footprint reduction*

Trees planted**

Miles not driven**

Trips from Seattle to Portland not driven**

Have questions or need help finding the right renewable option? We're here to help!
*Carbon footprint reduction is an estimate based on the difference between the PSE Green Power 2023 renewable resource mix and PSE’s 2022 electricity fuel mix. Green-e Energy does not certify or verify carbon emissions claims or methodologies for calculating emissions related to biomass. Actual cost for 100% Green Power will vary per month based on actual electricity usage.
**Avoided emissions are based on the Washington state UCO2e of 0.437 metric tons for unspecified electricity. Equivalencies are based on the Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.