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February Windstorm

Current update

Early this morning, damaging winds arrived in the Puget Sound Area causing widespread damage and power outages. More than 200,000 customers have been impacted by this storm. Significant progress has been made and as of 1:00pm, approximately 85,000 customers remain without power. The Emergency Coordination Center and local storm bases have been opened to coordinate restoration efforts.

Kitsap County is the hardest hit and has the most tree damage, including trees that have completely uprooted due to the high winds and saturated soils. This damaged our equipment and has created access issues for crews. Across the rest of the service area, crews report seeing mostly downed limbs and branches, with some trees down but fewer than in Kitsap County.

We understand how difficult it is to be without power. Our crews are working as quickly as they can to safely assess damage and make repairs. As crews finish work in one area, they will move to other impacted areas. Additional resources have been brought in to support restoration.


Safety first. Never touch or go within 35 feet of downed power lines because they might be energized. Call PSE at 1-888-225-5773 or 911 to report problems.

Report and track power outages online

Life support & medical emergencies

PSE works hard to provide reliable service to all customers and we understand that is especially important for customers that have Life Support equipment or Medical Emergencies at home.

When a customer account is approved for Life Support status, a seal is placed on the electric meter to ensure that field personnel know that critical medical equipment is in use at the residence. Customers with Life Support status on their account also receive advanced notice for scheduled outages, including Public Safety Power Shutoffs, when possible, and 48 hours' notice before disconnection of service due to failure to pay.

Life Support Status Eligibility

Eligibility criteria for Life Support status include:

  • Active PSE electric service at the location.
  • Individual requiring life support equipment lives at the service location.
  • Life support equipment at service location is dependent on electric service.
  • Complete Life Support Request form with input from medical provider returned to PSE for approval.
  • Customer completes annual Life Support status review form and returns to PSE for approval.

Examples of in-home Life Support equipment include:

  • Dialysis equipment
  • Ventilators
  • Infant apnea monitors
  • Feeding or infusion pumps
  • Suction machines
  • Oxygen concentrators
  • Ventricular assist devices

Apply for Life Support Status

To apply for Life Support status:

  1. Complete the Life Support Request form with input from medical provider returned to PSE for approval.
  2. Contact PSE at 1-888-225-5773 to request Life Support status.

Completing the actions above for Life Support status is not a guarantee of service and does not give priority in restoration efforts. PSE strongly suggests that customers have an appropriate emergency plan in place for Life Support.

IMPORTANT: Customers with Medical Life Support status noted in their PSE account will receive earlier notification of Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), when possible, via phone call in addition to regular customer alerts. Learn more about PSPS and how you can prepare.

Medical Emergencies

If you or a member of your household has a serious medical condition and you receive a disconnection notice or your service has been disconnected, contact us immediately at 1-888-225-5773.

PSE can postpone disconnection or reinstate customer utility service after we have been informed that there is a medical emergency situation in the home.

Once you notify PSE about the medical emergency, you must provide the following within five business days:

  • A medical emergency certificate from a medical professional who provides your health care.
  • Payment for a minimum of 10 percent of the past-due balance.
  • Agreement to pay the remaining balance within 120 days along with subsequent bills when due.