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Your home energy cost guide

We all know that a lot of the stuff in our home uses energy — energy that we pay for. But exactly how much energy is each appliance or piece of equipment using and how much is it costing us? Although everyone's energy use is unique, here are some average numbers to give you an idea.

  • Appliances, electronics and lighting
    Appliances, electronics
    and lighting
    Estimated energy use Cost1
    per month
    Cable or satellite TV box
    - Sleep/on mode 24 hrs per day (HD/DVR) 22 kWh $3.40
    (6 hours/day)
    - 40" LCD 6 kWh $0.85
    - 50" LCD 10 kWh $1.57
    Computer and monitor2
    - Dual 21” monitors 1 kWh $0.11
    - Laptop (operating 8 hours per day) 6 kWh $0.97
    - Routers 7 kWh $1.15
    Gaming console2
    (4 hours/day) 2 kWh $0.31
    Clothes washer
    (7 loads/week, cold/cold)
    - Energy-efficient (EE) 9 kWh $1.39
    - Standard 22 kWh $3.35
    Clothes dryer
    (5 loads/week)
    - Electric (paired with efficient washer) .38 kWh $5.93
    - Electric (paired with standard washer) 50 kWh $7.73
    - Natural Gas (paired with efficient washer) 3 therms $4.52
    - Natural Gas (paired with standard washer) 4 therms $6.02
    (1 hour/week) 1.4 kWh $0.22
    - Efficient model 12 kWh $1.86
    - Standard model 20 kWh $3.09
    Natural gas cook top stove 1 therm $1.41
    Electric Stove
    - Standard electric 10 kWh $1.57
    - Induction electric 9 kWh $1.42
    - Efficient electric 30 kWh $4.61
    - Old model, 10 years old 54 kWh $8.39
    - Old model, 10+ years old 125 kWh $19.33
    (8 hours/day)
    - 9-watt LED Bulb 2 kWh $0.34

    1 Source for water heater usage: U.S. Department of Energy.

    2 Electronics like TVs, DVD players and game consoles can consume power even when not in use. Plug these items into a power strip that you can switch off when not in use to prevent standby energy use.

    3 PSE electric and gas rates are listed in today's dollars; rates estimated based current Tier 2 residential rates and PSE's Decarbonization Study Reference Scenario, assuming a 2.5% inflation rate. For the most current rate information visit

  • Heating and water heating
    Heating and water
    Estimated energy
    per year
    Electric water heating
    - Standard efficiency (for 3hrs/day) 2,812 kWh $435
    - Heat pump water heater 1,758 kWh $272
    Natural gas water heating
    - Standard efficiency (EF = 0.62) 161 therms $242
    - High efficiency storage tank (EF>0.67) 145 therms $218
    - High efficiency tankless water heater 99 therms $149
    Electric heating3
    - Standard furnace 16,079 kWh $2,486
    - Baseboard 12,059 kWh $1,864
    - Efficient cold climate heat pump 6,773 kWh $1,047
    - Ductless heat pump (with baseboard backup) 5,877 kWh $909
    - Heat pump with electric strip backup 8,486 kWh $1,312
    - Dual fuel heating or hybrid heating (heat pump paired with gas furnace) 3,386 kWh,
    319 therms
    Natural gas heating
    - Standard furnace 686 therms $1,032
    - Efficient furnace (95%+) 577 therms $869
    - Fireplace pilot light 53 therms $79
    - Fireplace (20k btu) 96 therms $145

    1 Source for water heater usage: U.S. Department of Energy, Northwest Power and Conservation Council.

    2 PSE electric and gas rates are listed in today's dollars; rates estimated based current Tier 2 residential rates and PSE's Decarbonization Study Reference Scenario, assuming a 2.5% inflation rate. For the most current rate information visit Energy use and estimated costs are based on an average sized home (2,000 sq. ft. with 2.6 occupants). Actual usage and costs may vary depending on home characteristics, occupancy and customer behavior.

    3 Heating usage only. Cooling will add additional usage to your bill.

Get specifics

There are a number of online resources that can give you a more accurate picture of energy costs and savings tips based on your unique usage patterns. Check out:

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