About efficiency
Puget Sound Energy provides a variety of services and incentives to help our customers save energy and money. No other Northwest utility has helped its customers save more energy than PSE. Our energy-efficiency programs have helped PSE customers conserve nearly 5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and almost 50 million therms of natural gas.
But we're not done. Our customers' energy needs are growing. And one of the best, most cost-effective ways to meet their needs is to invest in programs that help people use energy as efficiently as possible—to get more with less. So, in consultation with our regulators, environmental groups, customers and other stakeholders, we're building on our energy efficiency heritage and expanding our conservation services. Over the next two decades, we see the potential to help our customers save another 440 average-megawatts of electricity and 70 million therms of natural gas.
Our conservation programs run the gamut, from rebates for homeowners on energy-efficient furnaces and appliances, to engineering consultation for commercial and industrial projects, to tailored grants for retrofits and upgrades in energy-intensive buildings.

Have questions about PSE's green options, including energy efficiency tips and rebates, contractor referrals, electric cars and renewable energy options? We're here to help.
Call us at 1-800-562-1482, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or contact us below.

Request a PSE Recommended Energy Professional (REP) to complete your energy efficient improvement upgrade.