Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility
Located near Ellensburg in Kittitas County, PSE's second wind facility — Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility – has 149 turbines spanning across 10,000 acres. The facility can generate up to 273 megawatts of electricity, enough to serve an average of 60,000 homes annually. Wild Horse came on line in December 2006, and was expanded in 2009.
Wild Horse benefits the surrounding community by creating jobs and providing leasing income for landowners. The facility also produces significant local tax revenue.
Wild Horse also contains one of the largest solar-power arrays in Washington. Its 2,723 solar panels together produce a peak of 500KW of electrical energy.
PSE also operates the Renewable Energy Center at Wild Horse. Check out the tours and recreational opportunities we offer at the facility and visit facebook.com/wildhorseREC for more information.
Fast facts
- Its turbines can produce electricity at wind speeds as low as 9 mph. They reach their peak of production at 31 mph and shut down at constant wind speeds above 56 mph.
- The total height of each tower with blades fully extended is 351 feet; total weight is approximately 223 tons.
- Towers are 221 feet high and weigh 104 tons.
- Each turbine blade is 129 feet long and weighs over 7 tons.
- The diameter of each rotor is larger than the wingspan of a Boeing 747.
- Each generator can produce 690 volts, which is stepped-up to 34,500 volts by an on-board transformer.
- The construction of each tower's foundation required 120 anchor bolts, 30,954 nuts, and 11,750 cubic yards of concrete.
- Each anchor bolt is 28 feet long and weighs approximately 150 lbs. For all 149 turbines at Wild Horse, approximately 95 miles of foundation anchor bolts were installed.
- Turbine generators are manufactured by Vestas. More Vestas turbine facts.
The three large wind farms we own and operate, including Wild Horse, Lower Snake River and Hopkins Ridge, generate enough power, on average, to serve 165,000 homes annually. In some cases, PSE sells any the excess green-energy generated by our wind facilities to other entities across the nation. The revenue from these sales helps to reduce our customers’ power costs and allows other utilities to take advantage of the benefits of renewable energy.
Fact sheet
Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility
Contact information
509-964-7815 (April through November)
Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility
25901 Vantage Highway
Ellensburg, WA 98926
Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center
25905 Vantage Highway
Ellensburg, WA 98926
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