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Deactivated Gas Line Inspection Program (DGLI)

Project completed

  • PSE crews began inspections in summer 2017 and the program was completed in December of 2020 with over 40,700 site inspections performed.

Project overview

As part of our commitment to the safe operation of the natural gas system serving our communities and families, PSE inspected over 40,700 deactivated natural gas pipelines throughout our service area. We confirmed our retired natural gas services were properly deactivated.

Project background

This deactivated gas inspection and remediation program is part of a settlement agreement that arose during the Greenwood complaint proceeding at the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) (Docket PG-160924). On June 19, 2017, the WUTC approved the settlement agreement. PSE partnered with WUTC pipeline safety staff to develop the comprehensive inspection and remediation program and implemented the program according to the terms of the settlement agreement.

Inspection program

The objective of this program was to identify, inspect and remediate natural gas services to:

  • Confirm the retired natural gas services within our service area were properly deactivated
  • Evaluate active above ground services to help ensure they are not susceptible to damage such as tampering or vandalism

We inspected over 40,700 deactivated pipe locations throughout our service area. These locations were prioritized into four groups:

Group General description Number of locations Max. months to complete
1 Services retired between 2000 and 2010 (period when contractor who did Greenwood work was PSE's service partner) and located in business districts. 3,060 18
2 Services retired between 2000 and 2010 throughout our service area prioritizing schools, hospitals, public buildings and high-occupancy structures. 10,907 24
3 Services retired prior to 2000 prioritizing schools, hospitals, public buildings and high-occupancy structures. 15,131 36
4 Services retired after 2010 prioritizing schools, hospitals, public buildings and high-occupancy structures. 11,691 72

General gas safety

Safety is our top priority when it comes to designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the natural gas system serving more than 800,000 PSE customers. At PSE, we know our customers, employees and the communities we serve expect to live and work around a safe and reliable natural gas system. When improving and operating our system, we follow or exceed strict federal and state safety requirements related to pipeline safety. Check Gas Safety Tips for more information on natural gas safety.

How does natural gas get to my home or business?

Natural gas is a fossil fuel composed almost entirely of methane. Interstate pipelines transport natural gas to regional natural gas systems, where it is metered and delivered through a network of local mains, service lines and, ultimately, to customer homes and businesses. View How Natural Gas Gets to You for more information.

Download more information

Download these PDF files for more information on PSE's deactivated gas line inspection program.

Contact us

We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact:
Ryan Frazier
Program Manager