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Wild Horse Wind Farm

The Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility and Renewable Energy Center near Ellensburg, WA.

2021 IRP

The Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility and Renewable Energy Center near Ellensburg, WA.

The IRP analysis integrates demand-side and supply-side resources to meet the growing energy needs of PSE’s customers at the lowest reasonable cost. The 2021 IRP implemented new rules from the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), signed into law in May 2019. The 2021 IRP outlines PSE’s plans to eliminate coal from its electric resource portfolio by 2026 and transition to greenhouse gas neutral generation by 2030 and carbon free generation by 2045.

The 2021 IRP time horizon is from 2022 to 2045.

The IRP process is divided into six cyclical steps: 1. Establish Resource Needs; 2. Planning Assumptions & Resource Alternatives; 3. Analyze Alternatives & Portfolios; 4. Analyze Results; 5. Develop Resource Plan; and 6. 10-year Clean Energy Action Plan.

IRP process chart

The six steps of the IRP process are cyclical and iterative.

For the 2021 IRP, PSE developed a list of topics that were covered at specific points throughout the process as they relate to a specific IRP process step.

Topics include:

  • Generic Resource Assumptions
  • Social Cost of Carbon
  • Upstream Emissions
  • Transmission Constraints
  • Electric Price Forecast
  • Natural Gas Price Forecast
  • Clean Energy Transformation Act requirements
  • Demand Side Resources
  • Equity
  • Natural Gas Portfolio Modeling
  • Demand Forecast
  • Wholesale Market Risk
  • Portfolio Sensitivities
  • Resource Adequacy

To see when each topic was discussed between 2020 and 2021, please visit the Get Involved page to learn more about how these topics fit into the 2021 IRP.


Work Plan

PSE filed the 2021 IRP Work Plan with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission on April 1, 2020. The Public Participation Plan is included as an Appendix. Any updates and revisions will be posted on this page.


Presentation to the WUTC and Public on the 2021 IRP Draft

PSE filed the below presentation with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission on February 19, 2021 and provided the presentation during the February 16, 2021 open recessed meeting on PSE’s 2021 Electric and Natural Gas Draft Integrated Resource Plans.

2021 IRP cover photo

Final 2021 Integrated Resource Plan

The Final 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) was published on April 1, 2021. This IRP was developed using feedback from stakeholders through a series of webinars between May 2020 and April 2021. PSE thanks stakeholders for contributing their time and thoughtful input to help shape the IRP. The Final 2021 IRP report, its chapters, appendices and supporting data files can be viewed and downloaded below.

Final 2021 IRP Report

Individual chapters and appendices can be found below.