Have questions about PSE's Up & Go Electric EV charger programs? We're here to help. Call us at 1-800-562-1482, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or contact us below
Install a public EV charging station at low to no cost
As Washington state prepares for a boom in electric vehicles, PSE is removing the barriers that keep property owners from hosting a public charging station.
Up & Go Electric for Public allows businesses and communities to easily and affordably provide EV charging by covering up to 100% of the costs to install, maintain and operate a public charging station.
Choose the ownership option that’s right for you
Up & Go Electric for Public incentives cover up to the full cost of equipment and installation for Level 2 and DC fast charging ports and transmission upgrades. Save time on installation and enjoy greater reliability by taking advantage of PSE’s electric vehicle expertise.
Customer-owned option
For customers who want more control of the charging station. You’ll fully manage installation, ownership and maintenance.
- Direct control over charger purchase, installation and maintenance options
- Ability to receive revenue and Washington state Clean Fuel Standard credits from the station
Customers whose sites directly serve or benefit historically underrepresented communities may be eligible for enhanced incentives and services. See the Empower Mobility section below for more information.
PSE-owned option
PSE will manage charging station installation and operation from end to end, including infrastructure upgrades, making this the easiest and most worry-free way to host a public charging station.
- Step-by-step, comprehensive planning by PSE’s experts: we’ll coordinate equipment purchasing, site design, construction and final inspection for the project to save you time and money
- Reliable, high-quality service from charging providers and installers vetted by PSE
- Worry-free operations: PSE will manage charger operations, so any issues or errors can be directed to us
Incentive details
See the table below for details on available incentives under our ownership options.
PSE-Owned Charger Type % of Costs Covered Maximum per-port incentive Level 2 100% No max DC Fast Charger 100% No max Customer-Owned* Charger Type % of Costs Covered Maximum per-port incentive Level 2 Up to 50% Up to $2,000/port DC Fast Charger Up to 50% Up to $40,000/port Empower Mobility Customer-Owned* Charger Type % of Costs Covered Maximum per-port incentive Level 2 Up to 100% Up to $4,000/port DC Fast Charger Up to 100% Up to $80,000/port *The customer-owned options have an incentive limit of $250,000 per project. Additional allowances for service line and transformer upgrade costs up to $20,000 per DC fast charger port and $2,000 per Level 2 port.
We want to expand electric mobility access to communities with the greatest need. Public charging stations provide community benefits, such as a reduction in carbon emissions and other harmful air pollutants, by empowering drivers to switch from gas-powered vehicles to cleaner electric vehicles.
Empower Mobility incentives
Customer-owned projects whose sites directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities may be eligible for enhanced incentives and service.
PSE will provide upfront incentives covering 100 percent of charger and installation costs up to $4,000 per Level 2 port and $100,000 per DC fast charging port.
Empower Mobility eligibility
To be eligible for Empower Mobility incentives, the installation site must directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities, also known as named communities. Named communities include both highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations.
Highly impacted communities are comprised of census tracts designated by the Washington State Department of Health as a 9 or 10 on the Environmental Health Disparities Map or communities located in census tracts that are fully or partially on “Indian country” as defined in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1151.
Vulnerable populations are communities that experience a disproportionate cumulative risk from environmental burdens due to adverse socioeconomic factors, including disability, cardiovascular disease, low birth weight rates, higher rates of hospitalization, heat islands, arrearage/disconnections, access to digital/internet resources, access to food, access to health care, educational attainment level, estimated energy burden, historical red line influence, home care, housing burden, linguistic isolation, mental health/illness, poverty, race, renter vs owner, seniors with fixed income, transportation expenses and unemployment.
The list of vulnerability factors and resultant mapping may change as PSE’s Clean Energy Implementation Plan evolves.
Please see the program eligibility and requirements section for additional participation criteria.
Contact us
If you have questions about Empower Mobility incentives and eligibility, contact an Energy Advisor or call 1-800-562-1482.
For more information, visit the Empower Mobility page.
Program eligibility and requirements
All customers must:
- Be located in PSE’s electric service area and not on transmission-only customer property.
- Have controlling interest in the property or the authority to act on behalf of property ownership.
- Be willing to convert available shared parking space(s) to dedicated charger installation(s).
Customers choosing the PSE-owned option must:
- Agree to a 10-year minimum lease agreement with PSE.
- Agree to an easement agreement with PSE. (Download Up & Go Electric for Public business points summary.)
- Verify the property is free of existing option agreements that would otherwise preclude its development by another party.
Customers choosing the customer-owned option must:
- Install a separate, dedicated meter for the charging station.
- Meet standards, equipment and metering requirements, such as mounted signage, available payment methods, registration and reporting.
- Ensure the site is able to serve multiple vehicle makes.
- Agree to a non-negotiable service agreement.
Please see the Empower Mobility section above for eligibility details regarding enhanced incentives available for sites that directly serve and/or benefit historically underrepresented communities.
为您的社区提供电动汽车充电可能会让人不知所措。PSE Up & Go Electric for Public 可以让事情变得更简单
PSE 拥有的期权:
- 提交描述您的项目的申请。
- PSE 会审核您的申请并联系您进行项目演示。
- 签署一份不具法律约束力的商业积分文件,为该项目设定共同的期望。
- PSE 将进行实地考察并开始项目开发。
- 在整个项目开发过程中定期获得更新和状态审查机会,与PSE讨论租赁/地役权条件,并签署相应的协议。
- 安装完成后,PSE 将与您合作举办潜在的发布活动,并管理充电站的持续推广。
- 提交一份申请,描述您的项目以及(如果适用)获得增强型 Empower Mobility 激励措施的资格(请参阅上面的 Empower Mobility 部分)。
- 如果获得批准,PSE 将与您联系并提供预计的激励提议。(注意:Empower Mobility项目的预付激励将在提交已签署的服务协议后提供。 )
- 继续购买和安装充电器。
- 完成安装并通过检查。
- 提交最终设备和安装收据以及 PSE Up & Go Electric 公共服务协议的签署副本后,您将获得奖励。
More PSE charging options and incentives
- 吸引新的顾客:当司机等待车辆充电时,他们将能够探索附近的企业和景点。
- 为电动汽车的繁荣做准备:从2035年开始,华盛顿出售的所有新乘用车都将是电动的。立即与 PSE 合作,为未来做准备。
- 推进可持续发展目标:电动汽车充电可以帮助降低社区或组织的碳足迹。