


请为Stillwater Energy提供以下信息,Stillwater Energy是我们实施加速器计划的合作伙伴。您的回答将帮助我们了解您的情况和需求。

您将收到Stillwater Energy的后续电子邮件,其中包含注册申请和建筑问卷,允许您注册位于PSE服务区的三个建筑工地。如果您在此期间有任何疑问,请通过 cleanbuildings@stillwaterenergy.com 联系我们。

Enroll in the Accelerator

Please select the preferred enrollment date * (see options here)

Additional Information

How many of your buildings in Washington state are over 50,000 square feet?*

What are the building addresses in PSE’s territory (please include a rough estimate of the building’s size with each address)?*

Please provide any details you’d like PSE to know about your building(s) (building size in square feet, primary building activity, building’s age, etc.), your organization, your role, or particular topics you’d like to discuss.

* 表示答案为必填项